
Technology in the dental field is ever-changing and Dr. Michaela Bobeva enjoys learning how to integrate state-of-the-art equipment into her practice. Utilizing the latest advancements in dentistry allows Dr. Michaela Bobeva to treat patients with less pain and in fewer visits. This equals less time in the dental chair and a more comfortable experience from start to finish.

Dr. Michaela Bobeva and her team spend many hours each year training and taking advanced courses to ensure they deliver the best care, safely. Employing the latest technology means consistent results, so you’ll know what to expect at each visit. You'll find that modern dental care with Bellevue Harmony Dental leaves you smiling.

At Bellevue Harmony Dental in Bellevue, WA, you'll discover dental care at its highest level; technology, advanced training, and compassionate service blended perfectly together.

Digital X-Rays

Digital x-rays allow our doctor to get a view of your child’s teeth and jaws that they can’t see with their eyes, while keeping radiation exposure to a minimum.

Learn more about intra-oral camera >

Digital Scanner

With our Digital Scanner, you can say goodbye to the mess. The scanner eliminates this step, replacing it with simple digital images captured with a handheld wand.

Learn more about digital scanners >


Intra-oral camera

A picture explains what words never can, especially when it comes to your teeth. An intra-oral camera can take pictures with such detail, it can show cracks and stress marks in a tooth that can’t be seen with the naked eye.

Learn more about intra-oral camera >